Tales from the Tavern

Tales from the Tavern is a TTRPG roundtable conversation with members of the community. Guests are invited to share stories about their tabletop experiences, while a live Twitch chat asks all the questions! About a week later, the episode becomes available on YouTube and in "Ears Edition" so listeners can enjoy the fun whenever they have time!


Check out some of the fun we've had in the past!


Tales from the Tavern has been streaming on several different Twitch channels since 2019, but the format and the heart of the show has always remained the same: Introduce TTRPG enthusiasts to other members of the community, whether it's through having them together as guests on the show, or through showcasing them to the viewers and listeners who participate by watching. Though the show is interview-like, the live chat is the one who really guides the direction of the conversation.

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You can connect with Tales from the Tavern in a few places - mostly through the creator and host, GamerMomLuna. Find us at our links below!